That Travis
sound artist in London
photo by Cameron Makin
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Travis is a sound artist. They often focus on themes like intimacy, history, and time. Using their body as an investigative tool, their work draws on these to produce visual performances, radio broadcasts, sound recordings, writings, and films, discussing topics such as situational listening, relationalities and habits of the bodies within historical and political frameworks.
The collection History is but a Sullen Memorabilia aims to establish a wide range of vocabularies about how sound can be embodied and experienced through different approaches to acoustic gestures. It includes the performance "Nobody Knows", radio opera "Swan Song Pt.1", and "Four Concrete Wall", a field project.
Travis has performed in various contexts and formats. Most recently venues such as (UK): The Old Church Stoke Newington, Windmill Brixton, Purcell Room of Southbank Centre, Iklectik, Undercroft Gallery, Gallery 46, Set Dalston, Ugly Duck, Spanners Club, and Avalon Cafe; from improvised music, noise and experimental sonic works, to contemporary dance and new theatre.
They currently release music under their label Graceful Gymnastics. Their first album, "In the Vastness of Landscape" (May 2024), is an amalgamation of genre and style, from folk to electronica and avant-pop. Their singer-songwriter materials exhibit an ethereal atmosphere that signifies personal growth and inspires a spiritual resolution through music-making.
俞摯畑(that travis)是一位聲音藝術家,唱作歌手及音樂製作人。生於香港威爾斯親王醫院,早年成長於竹園南邨,摯畑對於世界充滿好奇,從小於日常顯露創意,唯於傳統學校未能拔萃,高中就讀於香港兆基創意書院時開始接觸音樂以及不同藝術範疇。及後進入倫敦藝術大學修讀聲音藝術,於二零二三年畢業。
二零二四年五月,摯畑發行他的第一張唱作大碟《In the Vastness of Landscape, Whatever Matters》,結合八年以來寫下的旋律,揉合多個樂種,風格難以言喻,曾被唱作人Jonathan Yang形容為「好似聽左一陣霧咁」。